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Below you will find links to resources that provide information about child custody. You can also find links to forms to help you get an expungement without a lawyer, if you're eligible.  Some areas of the state have more information than others.  You may wish to look at information from other areas as well as your own.


Introduction to Parent Custody Rights

Custody Brochure

This brochure from Legal Aid of East Tennessee provides helpful information about custody rights.  


Social Services:

211 Tennessee - United Way

For help by phone, dial 211 for Tennessee’s community services help line or visit the 211 website.

Kid Central

Kid Central is a one-stop shop for Tennessee families to connect with important information and resources provided by Tennessee state departments.



Standard Court Forms for all of Tennessee

This resource contains standard court forms for all of Tennessee that approved for all counties. If you need help filing one of these forms, you can ask a lawyer in your area.


Legal Advice:

TN Free Legal Answers

If you are in Tennessee, the website, Free Legal Answers,  allows you to ask a lawyer for help with a legal issue at no cost.  It is fast and easy, and all you need is a computer. This is a FREE service for people who cannot afford a lawyer. 

How it works: 

  • You will answer a few questions to see if you qualify for their service. If you qualify, you will have the option to create an account.
  • If you are eligible, you can ask their volunteer attorneys a non-criminal legal question.
  • Once your question receives a response, you will get an email. You will need to sign into the website to read your response and ask any additional questions.

Visit to sign up.

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