Cannon County

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Department of Human Services, provides assistance with Families First, a workforce development and employment program for needy families, Child Support services, disability services, adult protective services, as well as SNAP food stamps.
Provides community activities.
Please call before coming into the Murfreesboro office as Legal Aid Society of Middle Tennessee and the Cumberlands (LASMTC) may be able to help by phone or mail. LASMTC may also be able to come to the county where you live. LASMTC only takes legal problems that a person cannot go to jail for. If you have a criminal case, you need to call the Public Defender’s office.
Adams Memorial Library 212 College Street - Woodbury, TN 37190 615-563-5861 (ph)    615-563-2140 (fax)   Auburntown Branch Library 43 E Main Street - Auburntown, TN 37016 615-464-2622 (ph)   COMPUTER & WI-FI ACCESS Public Access Computers (PACs) and WI-FI are available at both branch locations. Access to computers or Wi-Fi is FREE.

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