Chat Bots for Family Law, Landlord-Tenant, and Workers Compensation
Need Legal Help? Check Out Our Chat Bots! We currently have three chat bots available for Tennesseans who are seeking legal information or would like help creating important legal forms. Here’s what they can do for you: &...
Free Senior Legal Helpline
Are you a senior citizen with legal questions? If you're 60 or older, we might be able to help! Call 844-HELP4TN (844-435-7486) Help4TN’s free senior helpline may be able to answer your legal questions. Our ...
Free Divorce Forms for Couples with NO Children
In Tennessee, there are times when married couples can get divorced using free online forms. Doing so could save the couple a significant amount of money. They still have to pay the court costs, but they would be able to avoid costly atto...
Free Divorce Forms for Couples with Children - HELP4TN Blog
In Tennessee, there are times when married couples with children can get divorced using free online forms. Doing so could save the couple a significant amount of money. They will still have to pay the court's fee, but they will avoid cost...
Power of Attorney for a Minor Child - HELP4TN Blog
How Can I Get or Give Power of Attorney for a Minor Child? If a parent is unable to take care of their child for a period of time, Tennessee law allows them to temporarily give another adult the authority to do so. This is done throu...
How do I Change my Child Support Order? - HELP4TN Blog
If you’re paying child support or receiving child support with a court order, that order can be modified in some cases. Child Support Factors Often Change A judge sets child support based on many factors, inc...
What if my Spouse won’t Sign Divorce Papers? – HELP4TN Blog
You can still get a divorce if your spouse won’t sign your divorce papers. There are five steps towards getting a divorce finalized. You do not need your spouse’s signature or permission to get divorced, but you will probably need a lawyer. ...
Your Rights at a Hotel or Motel in Tennessee - HELP4TN Blog
If you stay at or live in a hotel or motel, you should know its rights and responsibilities as well as your own rights and responsibilities. Minimum Standards for Hotels and Motels in Tennessee The Tennessee Department of He...
My Landlord Won't Make Repairs. What Should I do? - HELP4TN Blog
If you live in Tennessee, and your landlord won’t make repairs, what should you do? Safe and Clean HousingIf the repair is for a necessity, such as heat, gas, lights, water, sewage, plumbing, or for something that makes your apartment unsafe or ...
What You Need to Know About Court Costs and Fees - HELP4TN Blog
Generally, people using the civil court system in Tennessee must pay fees and costs for the privilege of using the courts. However, in situations of extreme financial hardship, some people cannot afford these fees and costs. In those c...
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