Self Help Videos
What to Expect in General Sessions
Getting Ready for a General Sessions Civil Court Case
This video provided by Justice For All gives instructions on how to get ready for trial including explanations of legal concepts.
Preparing for Your Day in Court | Preparándose Para Su Día de Corte
In these video, Legal Aid of East Tennessee outlines general information on how to prepare for General Sessions court when representing yourself. This information is available in English or Spanish
This video was created by West Tennessee Legal Services. It provides information about how to protect your personal property (cars, bank accounts, furniture, etc.) when we're you're being sued.
Protecting Your Personal Property When You've Been Sued
This video, supplied by Legal Aid of East Tennessee, provides general legal information about getting divorced in Tennessee.
Before you Move into a New Property
The following videos from Legal Aid of East Tennessee provides tips on what tenants should do before moving into a new property. This information is available in both English and Spanish.
Renters’ Guide – 5 Things You Should Do BEFORE You Move In
Guía para Inquilinos - 5 Cosas Que Debe Hacer ANTES de Mudarse Adentro
Are Bill Collectors Bothering You?
This video, created by Legal Aid of East Tennessee, provides information on how to deal with bill collectors.
This video was created by West Tennessee Legal Services. It provides information about your rights when debt collectors call you.
Five Things You Can Do When a Debt Collector Calls
Orders of Protection
These videos, created by Legal Aid of East Tennessee, provide information on Orders of Protection in Tennessee. You will learn what an Order of Protection is, how to get an OP, how to stay safe, preparing for court, and how to deal with violations of your OP. This information is available in both English and Spanish.
Part 1 - What is an Order of Protection?
Parte 1 – ¿Qué es una Orden de Protección?
Part 2 – How to Get an Order of Protection
Parte 2 - Como Obtener una Orden de Protección
Part 3 – How to Stay Safe Until Your Hearing
Parte 3 - Cómo Permanecer Fuera de Peligro Hasta Su Día de Audiencia
Part 4 – Preparing for Your Day in Court
Parte 4 - Cómo Prepararse Para Su Día En Corte
Part 5 – Violations of an Order of Protection
Parte 5 – Violaciones de una Orden de Protección
Power of Attorney for Care of a Minor Child
These videos, created by Legal Aid of East Tennessee, help explain the foreclosure process in Tennessee.
What Happens During a Foreclosure?
Ways to Avoid Foreclosure and Keep Your Home
Ways to Avoid Foreclosure but Not Keep Your Home
Legal Wellness Checkup
Click on the link below to learn about the legal wellness checkup that appears on the homepage.
Senior Legal Issues
The following videos were created by West Tennessee Legal Services. They are primarily geared toward seniors, but could be helpful to others as well.
Elder Abuse Recognition and Prevention
What are Medicare and Medicaid?
Redetermination / Why has my SSI Gone Down?
How to Safely Get a Free Credit Report
Conservatorships and Power of Attorney
Workers Compensation Video Series
The following videos were put together by the Tennessee Bureau of Workers' Compensation and Tennessee Alliance for Legal Services.
Contratistas, Subcontratistas y Empleados